Katsumi Komagata's 'Book of Books', an essential work by the author published in 2013 by Les Trois Ourses, now appears for the first time in a bilingual Italian and English version, in a revamped and updated edition. Komagata needs no introduction: it suffices to mention the two instances with which he revolutionised children's publishing. Starting from an interweaving of his life with his young daughter Ai and the plastic experiments that characterised his training, Komagata manages to forge a new artistic sensibility through the extreme simplification of shapes and colours. In his books, the author accounts for the infant's point of view on the world and, following his growth processes, he follows the development of his perception, realising a true study that is not only pedagogical but also anthropological. Moreover, his way of understanding children's publishing is revolutionary in that the volumes themselves are true design objects: pop-up techniques, the Japanese art of origami or the tangram are just some of the many examples with which the author recovers the material value of any book, in a rich encounter of colours, shapes and sensory stimuli. In doing so, the sensitivity that transpires from his books cannot but broaden the audience, reaching even adults.
Lazy Dog Press
192 pages