Welcome To My Shop!
63 Dreamers, Stories, How They Are Made.
For the first time ever, AWW takes you directly into the minds of illustrators! Step away from reality and into the creatively thrilling imaginary shops of 22 illustrators and the shop of their dreams. You’ll never guess what special touches these artists would add to their dream shops! Furthermore, dreams really do come true, and the proof is in the 10, very real and very unique, physical and online shops highlighted in this issue. The shop-owners guide us through their routines, down memory lane, and through the doors (virtual ones included) of their shops into which they have poured their hearts. Meet the extraordinary personalities behind the scenes, and learn about their journey as creatives and shop owners, and how running a store is a powerful way to build a community around creative products.
But wait, there’s more! Remember the best gift you ever received? So do these 23 illustrators! Discover their most cherished gifts in a special feature. And shhh, because there might even be a surprise present in this issue for you too.
Featuring more than 60 Illustrators and over 180 Illustrations!
Featuring: Asahi Nagata / The Printed Peanut / We are out of office / Daria Solak / Martcellia Liunic / Marchand Son / Marin Montagut / Sara Maese and more!
128 Pages