By Leo Lionni
Pezzettino lives in a world in which everyone is big and does daring and wonderful things. But he is small, just "a little piece," which is the meaning of pezzettino in Italian. I must be a piece of somebody else. I must belong to someone else, he thinks, and he decides to find out. How Pezzettino learns that he belongs to no one but himself is a joyous and satisfying conclusion to this beautiful picture book. Using collage and small, mosiac-like colorful squares, four-time Caldecott Honor Book artist Leo Lionni has created a delightfully graphic fable that captures the longing of a small child in a world of big people. First published in 1975 and long out of print, it was reissued in hardcover in 2006. This Dragonfly Books edition marks its debut in paperback.
Dragonfly Books
40 pages